Tuesday, June 3

It´s an outspoken thing

I´m an Aries, born in the Year of the Rat, grew up in Australia (when I was in England, it was on the front page that a polititian in Parliament called another 'a bloody drongo' It went on to say that people in Australia called people by their first name, irregardless of who they are. This is not done in other countries. Australia is known as the country where people say what they think). I am destined to say what I think. I hop through life with one foot constantly in my mouth. I am not destined to be a polititian or to escalate to the upper eshalons in management. I can´t play the games required. A spade is a spade and I say so.

But I live in a stoical country. I know very few people who will actually say what they think. No-one here has a problem. People are nice. Very nice. I guess in comparision I´m not. If I have a fight with my husband (which I must admit is not not very often), I tell people that I am frustrated with him. This doesn´t mean that I don´t love or like him, just that I am angry with him. When I have problems with my children or other people, I tell them that. Not that I don´t like them as a person, just that I didn´t like what they said or did. I find that people don´t like this. Particually in this stoical town where I live.

In the whole time I have been living here, I have not heard of any problems. Statistics list domestic violence nationwide in Austria as Western World average of 25%. But there is none in the town where I live. Child abuse doesn´t exist. Social problems and poverty don´t exist. I live in this glorious world where everyone is happy and no-one has problems. I wasted a whole bloody 4 years learning how to be a social worker as I now live somewhere which has no need of anything like this!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I guess you can say I am a bit of a cynic. I don´t believe that anyone can be so happy. I´m certainly not all the time. Does everyone else live a charmed life? I think not. I think it is the lack of communication. I can tell you that I only learnt about my brother in law´s divorce through my cousin who is the sister of his best friend. Communication exists in the background, as in this small town where everyone knows what you are doing, even before you do. But does it make you happy to keep all this saddness inside and pretend that everything is dandy? Again I think not. And I am supported by a SMH article which states that people who keep anger inside can reduce their life span by 5 years.

Hence, for all you people who also have their foot in their mouth the whole time for saying what they think, for all the people who seem to constantly appologise for being misunderstood, for all the people who feel that other people are just not communicating, at least we can be proud in knowing that on one level we will live longer (just need to give up the wine, junk food and other bad things will which kill us sooner!).


Selina said...

I understand your post! I live in Noosa and we have very few services, must be because no one has problems. I think not.
I am 3rd year social work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! My foot celebrates with your foot.